The easiest way to send a fax.

With Fax Boss, your smartphone becomes a portable fax machine. Scan documents with your phone’s camera, or attach existing files, add cover letters, and fax like a true boss.

Fax Boss App Icon

Download todayโ€จ for iOS & Android

Smartphone using a fax app.
Fax documents
Smartphone using a 2talk fax app
Attachment icon

Attach documents from your device

Ever wish you could just drag and drop files into a fax? With Fax Boss, you have access to pictures and files on your smartphone or on the cloud.

Camera icon

Your camera now scans and faxes

Unleash the power of your phone's camera and use it to scan documents to fax, all in-app and without disrupting your flow.

Globe icon

Faxing goes global

Need to send a fax to another country? We got you covered, whether you're in your office building, or having that long-awaited vacation halfway across the globe. Faxing to select countries only.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the prices: 1 week for $2.49, 1 month for $14.99 and 1 year for $49.95.

Fax Boss supports Android and iOS and can be accessed on both the App Store and Google Play. While Fax Boss is for sending only, if you want to send and receive check out 2talk’s Virtual Fax.

If you take a screenshot or turn the email into a PDF document, you can attach its contents to the fax you create with Fax Boss. But for next-level ease of use, check out 2talk’s powerful fax features, which allow you to send and receive faxes from your email. How cool is that? Discover 2talk’s offerings and start faxing and calling today.

For the App Store:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap Manage subscription.
  3. Tap “Cancel Subscription”
  4. Tap “Confirm” on Confirm Cancellation to cancel your Subscription. You will get a confirmation.
  5. Tap “Not Now” if you don’t want to cancel your account, and choose a different subscription option.

If you donโ€™t see Cancel Subscription, the subscription is already canceled and wonโ€™t renew.

You can update your subscription plan at any time.

For Google Play:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap “Manage subscriptions”.
  3. Tap the subscription that you want to be updated.
  4. Tap subscribe.
  5. Sign in with Google Play.
  6. You will get a confirmation.

For the App Store:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap “Manage subscriptions”.
  3. Tap the subscription that you want to be updated.
  4. Tap subscribe.
  5. Sign in with Apple ID.
  6. You will get a confirmation.

Once you made a change in your subscription plan, it will only be shown on your App Settings at the next renewal.

Download Fax Boss