Signup Guide

Creating a new account with 2talk takes only minutes. Take a look at the steps below to see the information you will need to create the account.

Click on each step to see a picture

1 Account creation

When signing up a new account, the first step is to select the Calling Plan and click Sign Up.

The Name and Email required here is your own name and email.

You will need to ensure that you agree to 2talk's legal terms.

2 Setting up numbers

This is the opportunity to add new numbers to the plan, or to port in existing numbers.

Selecting Choose new numbers lets you enter the region you will get the phone number for.

Selecting Port existing numbers skips the above step, and starts the process of bringing your numbers across to 2talk.

3 Adding new numbers

Depending upon the plan chosen, you can select one or multiple numbers which will be added to your account immediately.

Enter the area or region code and we'll offer a selection of numbers.

Feel free to Show different numbers to get a new selection.

If you're porting in numbers at a later date, you can still add one number to the account as a temporary number. This is really useful to get the account setup prior to the porting being completed.

4 Porting numbers in

When Porting in numbers, we'll need some initial information to get the Letter of Authorization prepared which we send our as part of the porting process.

You'll need to be sure to have this information available—if not, head back to the previous step and Pick only one number for now.

  • Number to port (current phone number)
  • Current Provider
  • Account name
  • Account number
  • BTN
  • Security PIN
  • Upload the latest copy of your phone bill

5 Providing Customer information

These details will appear on your bill.

If you're signing up through a reseller, this is where you'll enter the Reseller agent code.

Important! This address, if the option is checked, will be used as the Location for Emergency Services. If this is not the main address to be used, please do NOT check this box. Where calls are made to 911 from any number the account, and no number is set up as a Location for Emergency Services, then a $150.00 penalty will be incurred, and assessed immediately to your account.

6 Adding a service address

If this check box in the previous step is NOT checked, then this is where you will need to enter your Service Address.

This will be used as the Location for Emergency Services on the account.

7 Confirming account details

Here's where you can double-check the plan details, Billing address, Service address and of course, the Authorized contact.

Continue through to Payment if everything is okay here, otherwise go back and make your changes.

8 Adding a credit card

2talk products and services are pre-paid.

Enter your credit card details. The same card will be used to pay the MRR and any applicable taxes and fees.

Note that the card details are stored securely with our merchant facility provider Square, and are not available to any of our team.

We will also send you a Credit Card Authorization form, to confirm you consent to use your credit card with this account.

9 Signup complete

That's it! Your account is all set.

We will send a Welcome email to you with login details.

We will follow up with you and offer a Welcome Onboarding call.

Still need help?

Get in touch with our team and we'll be happy to help.
