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Cloud Unified Communications and VoIP Calling
Working in an office and the typical 9-to-5 was going out of style long before the pandemic – 2020 only accelerated it. Now, more people are working remotely than ever before, leaving many wondering what the future of work will look like. Will remote work replace local? Are more people traveling since their job no longer requires them to be in person? As we slowly come out of the pandemic here in the United States, these are the questions on everyone’s minds.
But remote work was here before COVID. Thanks to a combination of advancements in technology, new collaborative tools like online meetings, and changing attitudes about what work should look like, telecommuting has been gaining traction in recent years. Remote work is more cost-effective for businesses, and studies show it contributes to higher productivity, greater employee satisfaction, reduced stress, and happier humans. It’s a win-win, in our book.
To help us look at the bigger picture in regards to remote work, check out this list.
Whether you are already living that digital nomad life or your job recently went remote because of the pandemic, there are plenty of tools out there to support you. Contact one of our knowledgeable team members to learn more about Vai’s VoIP calling plans, cloud-based fax, or virtual meeting platform. There are many wonderful benefits of telecommuting, so long as you have the right communication tools!
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